Why I Upgraded My Website to GatsbyJS from Jekyll
My thought process during the long overdue rewrite of this website
My thought process during the long overdue rewrite of this website
This article was originally published on Medium on January 31, 2018. Recently I relaunched my wife’s photography portfolio, KNW…
I am proud to announce Gatsby Manor , a gallery of themes for Gatsby. After 5 months of development, Gatsby Manor is now in public alpha…
If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve heard a thing or two about Gatsby. Let me take you through a jamstacked workflow that is…
A little while ago I had the six-monthly itch to redo my portfolio site, and I decided I was going to learn to use Gatsby. But that seems to…
What is a traditional CMS? A traditional Content Management System (CMS)--like Wordpress, Drupal, or Joomla--manages three things for a…
A poster of Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh followed me to each new dorm room in college until it ripped beyond repair. I loved that…
And so it is that about every decade the technology industry rethinks the application architecture in light of new systems, capabilities…
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