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Build Caching

Plugins can cache data as JSON objects and retrieve them on consecutive builds.

Caching is already used by Gatsby and plugins for example:

  • any nodes created by source/transformer plugins are cached
  • gatsby-plugin-sharp caches built thumbnails

Data is stored in the .cache directory relative to your project root.

The cache API

The cache API is passed to Gatsby’s Node APIs which is typically implemented by plugins.

exports.onPostBootstrap = async function({ cache, store, graphql }) {}

The two functions you would want to use are:


Cache value

cache.set(key: string, value: any) => Promise<any>


Retrieve cached value

cache.get(key: string) => Promise<any>

The Node API helpers documentation offers more detailed information on the API.

Plugin Example

In your plugin’s gatsby-node.js file, you can access the cache argument like so:

exports.onPostBuild = async function({ cache, store, graphql }, { query }) {
  const cacheKey = "some-key-name"
  let obj = await cache.get(cacheKey)

  if (!obj) {
    obj = { created: }
    const data = await graphql(query) = data
  } else if ( > obj.lastChecked + 3600000) {
    /* Reload after a day */
    const data = await graphql(query) = data

  obj.lastChecked =

  await cache.set(cacheKey, obj)

  /* Do something with data ... */

Clearing cache

Since cache files are stored within the .cache directory, simply deleting it will clear all cache. You can also use gatsby clean to delete the .cache and public folders. The cache is also invalidated by Gatsby in a few cases, specifically:

  • If package.json changes, for example a dependency is updated or added
  • If gatsby-config.js changes, for example a plugin is added or modified
  • If gatsby-node.js changes, for example if you invoke a new Node API, or change a createPage call


With the cache API you’re able to persist data between builds, which is really helpful while developing a site with Gatsby (as you re-run gatsby develop really often). Performance-heavy operations (like image transformations) or downloading data can slow down the bootstrap of Gatsby significantly and adding this optimization to your plugin can be a huge improvement to your end users. You can also have a look at the following examples who implemented the cache API: gatsby-source-contentful, gatsby-source-shopify, gatsby-source-wordpress, gatsby-transformer-remark, gatsby-source-tmdb.

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