Customizing Components
Using MDX, you can replace every HTML element that Markdown renders with a custom implementation. This allows you to use a set of design system components when rendering.
import { MDXProvider } from "@mdx-js/react"
import * as DesignSystem from "your-design-system"
export default function Layout({ children }) {
return (
// Map HTML element tag to React component
h1: DesignSystem.H1,
h2: DesignSystem.H2,
h3: DesignSystem.H3,
// Or define component inline
p: props => <p {...props} style={{ color: "rebeccapurple" }} />,
The following components can be customized with the MDXProvider:
Tag | Name | Syntax |
p | Paragraph | |
h1 | Heading 1 | # |
h2 | Heading 2 | ## |
h3 | Heading 3 | ### |
h4 | Heading 4 | #### |
h5 | Heading 5 | ##### |
h6 | Heading 6 | ###### |
thematicBreak | Thematic break | *** |
blockquote | Blockquote | > |
ul | List | - |
ol | Ordered list | 1. |
li | List item | |
table | Table | --- | --- | --- |
tr | Table row | This | is | a | table row |
td /th | Table cell | |
pre | Pre | |
code | Code | |
em | Emphasis | _emphasis_ |
strong | Strong | **strong** |
delete | Delete | ~~strikethrough~~ |
code | InlineCode | |
hr | Break | --- |
a | Link | <> or [MDX]( |
img | Image | ![alt]( |
How does this work?
Components passed to the MDXProvider are used to render the HTML elements that Markdown creates. It uses React’s Context API.
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