Creating Pages from Data Programatically
Gatsby and its ecosystem of plugins provide all kinds of data through a GraphQL interface. This guide will show how that data can be used to programmatically create pages.
Though you can use any data source you’d like, this guide will show how to create pages from markdown files (following after the example introduced in earlier guides).
Creating Pages
The Gatsby Node API provides the
extension point which we’ll use to add pages. This function will give us
access to the
which is at the core of programmatically creating a page.
exports.createPages = async function({ actions, graphql }) {
const { data } = await graphql(`
query {
allMarkdownRemark {
edges {
node {
fields {
data.allMarkdownRemark.edges.forEach(edge => { const slug = edge.node.fields.slug actions.createPage({ path: slug, component: require.resolve(`./src/templates/blog-post.js`), context: { slug: slug }, }) })}
For each page we want to create we must specify the path
for visiting that
page, the component
template used to render that page, and any context
we need in the component for rendering. The context
parameter is
optional though often times it will include a unique identifier that can
be used to query for associated data that will be rendered to the page.
Specifying A Template
The createPage
action required that we specify the component
that will be used to render the page. Here is an example of what the
referenced template could look like:
import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "gatsby"
import Layout from "../components/layout"
export default ({ data }) => {
const post = data.markdownRemark
return (
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.html }} />
export const query = graphql`
query($slug: String!) {
markdownRemark(fields: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) {
frontmatter {
Notice that the slug
value we specified in the createPage
context is
used in the template’s GraphQL query. As a result we can provide the title
and html
from the matching markdownRemark
record to our component. The
context is also available as the pageContext
prop in the template
component itself.
Not Just Markdown
plugin is just one of a multitude of Gatsby plugins that can provide data
through the GraphQL interface. Any of that data can be used to
programmatically create pages.
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